Saturday, October 9, 2010


Summary points:

1. Class as the small, generally 2-5. Usually on a MIDlet, Canvas class, other classes are subsidiary.
2. Abandoning the concept of package package, are placed in the same layer structure.
3. On Monternet carriers allow users to use such procedures are used midp1.0 + various special API.
4. Cell phone text messages displayed on a class declaration alone, in order to cross cell phone after transplantation in Chinese, English changes.

Most of J2ME development is partially transformed J2EE development, and I am also:) should be aware of the concept of MVC pattern (M - Model, V - View, C - Control), after analysis of the code I feel this old bird MVC can also be used. However, what still needs to write for the (M - Model, V - View, C - Control, O - Object, S - Sprite, T - Tool).
Modules to complete the function:
Model: run method. Game operations for the kernel module.
View: paint method and draw the interface. Responsible for drawing all the game interface.
Control: commandAction methods keyPressed, keyRepeated, keyReleased method. Responsible for receiving all of the operations the user.
Object: (interpreted as: Object) Menu, Item, Image, Sound, RMS, Connection. Responsible for packaging all of the above objects, a call for other local programs.
Sprite: (interpreted as: the wizard) game object class. Such as aircraft, ammunition, maps, radar, and so on. Said little in front of the class to use measurement to achieve the program, so all the objects in this module.
Tool: (read as: tools) random number generator, trigonometric functions and much more.
Program Framework:
1. Color: definition of the basic color of the game
2. Anchor definition: text, picture posts into the position of the screen
3. Font definition: the font used in the game
4. Screen width: portability as much as possible in order to use this function drawing
5. Defines the direction of the game: mobile phone keypad layout is different from the general to do with the unified management of this variable
6. Button definition: different phone keys are different to do with the unified management of this variable
7. Button to set even the law: whether different phone bursts of different operating functions. With this realization is not firing bursts of mobile phones to achieve
8. Program Status: The game program on the user view to be started when the game started, you can start our program from loaded
9. The internal game state: state of the game that
11. Display screen running:
12. Hide [screen running:
13. Program initialization:
14. Suspend the operation status:
15. Stop running:
19.image: Pictures
20.sound: Sound management
21.item: Options management
22.command: button management Menu Manager
24.rms: Records Management
25.connect: File Transfer Management
26.socket: Network Management
27.CodeToObject: 2 binary files and image voice conversion
28.obj_init: Object constructor function is initialized
29.obj_paint: objects on the screen realization.
30.obj_way: method.
31.function: Function

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ma: Alibaba revolutionized the traditional

Alibaba Group's principal founder, Chairman and CEO of Alibaba, Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma and non-executive directors of listed companies held 0.57% stake in Alibaba, according to Aug. 31 closing price of 19.24 Hong Kong dollars, the market value of 4.08 shares billion. In early September, he went to sell 1,300 million shares, cash up to 273 million Hong Kong dollars.

Ma was among the first in China to develop e-business applications and adhere to the entrepreneurs in the Internet field.

March 1999, Ma and his team to 500 thousand yuan venture in Hangzhou, development Alibaba. He has long been in the Internet business services, according to the experience in the field, clearly the Internet industry should pay attention and give priority to the development of e-commerce enterprises and between enterprises (B2B), his views and the development model Alibaba quickly to the international Internet community concern, known as "The Internet's fourth model."

Alibaba in the early stages of development to bypass the "hot potato - Logistics", and specializing in "transferring the product of the Gospel - information flow." The so-called information flow, that is delivered products. Traditional commercial goods through the physical delivery of information. And Alibaba's e-commerce is the use of electronic information instead of physical information. According to China's development of e-commerce industry to accurately locate sites. First arrested, but then in the implementation process has pursued new revenue opportunities. From the most basic set up sites for business, to promote the website and follow the online trade credit support services, order management transactions themselves, keep growing. The excellent operating profit model in the continuous process also will appear.

Alibaba started another important factor of success is just entering the market, all access to Alibaba members are "free membership" to attract business and registered users login platform, which together popularity, more companies are bringing gas market activities, membership in view of information also brings a steady stream of information flow, so as to continuously create business opportunities. Alibaba members of the majority of SMEs, "free membership" is the most important factors to attract small and medium enterprises.

Also the late founder of Taobao, Alipay, a subsidiary of Ali software. Currently, Alibaba Group trying to get through all the subsidiaries to form a chain to create new business models C2B2C.

B2B listing in Hong Kong in 2007, creating a lot of millionaires. But Ma has never personally owned more than 5%, has been a symbol of ownership.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Gateway Bank of China has become the odds

June 17 got the news, the U.S. third-largest computer maker Gateway has been finalized in August this year, plans to enter the China market, also plans to open an office in Beijing has put on the agenda. Can be expected, the Digital Gateway was selected as the only designated agent regarding the mainland of China is bound to its general information products division increased the turnover, while the head of Chen Liang's tight-lipped face the fire, but the language of his excitement. He said the company is setting up teams to develop future cooperation with the Gateway program.

Although Gateway in the United States known, but the Chinese user awareness of this brand is very low. The only reason is, before this old PC companies pay little attention to the Chinese market, especially in its competitors - Dell and Hewlett-Packard China, contrasting with more obvious enthusiasm.

Variety Gateway

Although the number of users do not understand this company, Gateway in the United States is undoubtedly a legend. In 1985, founder Ted Waitt with 10,000 U.S. dollars of bank loans in their own ranch, founded the company. The frail and severely stuttering child who dropped out from college or even twice. But, with the tenacity of will and insight, from the birth of the day, this company doing well. Waitt keen to capture the PC, the trend will soon become a commodity, he decided to price products below the competition, and the focus of this decision as a business started, "encircling the cities" of the campaign, so very early into the Fortune 500.

In fact, Gateway's marketing concept is not complicated - abandoned the broker, through telephone sales, direct to consumers and businesses. This order picking based on the quasi-direct model risk is very small, the effect is amazing. Gateway was gradually opened in the United States more than 400 stores over the whole of the United States. According to market research firm IDC data provided shows that the third-largest U.S. computer maker the first quarter of this year in the U.S. market share of 7.2%.

However, this Gateway to China to trade will be anxious not merely to the Chinese PC market, many people who care about Gateway was worried. For a long time, the company has remained in a "stable" of losing money. In the face of losses, Gateway is the most willing to try new strategies and business model - it's strategy to change almost every year - first opened in 1996, Gateway stores nationwide, and in 1998 launched the Internet access service, and the headquarters moved to California in 2002, it began selling a brand of consumer electronics products, in 2004 and another computer company called eMachines merger. EMachines made at low cost computer market is very hot, so named after the merger Waitt, president of the company as Gateway CEO Wayne Inouye, I hope his defeating. However, consecutive losses and stock prices fell, Wayne Inouye could not escape from destiny. Even today, its Chief Financial Officer John Goldsberry still said in an interview: "Achieving profitability is our topic of discussion."


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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

SCM eight core processes?

Successful supply chain management needs to change before we managed only a single process model, the need for a range of process management.

In many large companies, management experience and proven without first implementing the right business processes, they can not optimize the manufacturing process. A few experts believe that the use of the production process in the business supply chain management, the industry standard would not be uniform. The value of standardized business processes is to make supply chain management links all the company's managers can use a unified language and effective cooperation.

Implementation of the management, the eight core processes. The eight processes are: (1) customer relationship management, (2) Customer service management, (3) demand management, (4) order fulfillment, (5) manufacturing process management, (6) supplier relationship management, (7) product development and product commercialization, (8) Recovery Management

Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationship management processes and how to develop and maintain customer relationship approach. Through this step, identification of key clients and management to customers and their business plans as part of the company. Purpose of their classification based on customer value, and by providing customers with specialized for different customers personalized service to enhance customer loyalty.

Customer Service Management

Customer Service Manager said the company's attitude to customers. This is a step in the customer relationship management products and services developed by the client group key step in the package. Customer service functions through contact such as manufacturing and logistics, to provide customers they want to know the date and product availability on the transport aspects of the real-time information. Customer service process also includes applications to help customers understand the product.

Demand Management

Customer demand management is a balanced demand and supply capabilities. In the right place by using the correct procedures, this management can have predictably match demand and supply and make plans more effectively. Must be noted that this process not only refers to prediction. It also includes coordination of supply and demand, increase flexibility, reduce volatility. Needs a good management system, using point of sale and understand key customer data to reduce uncertainty, and the whole supply chain should be effectively supported. It is also effective coordination of market demand and production planning.

Completed orders

Supply chain refers to the process not only issued orders for instruction, it also includes the definition of customer needs, design the network, minimizing distribution costs in the basis of a series of activities to meet customer demand. Its purpose is to build a company from a supplier to, and from companies of different clients seamless system.

Production process management

Production management, including production-related activities with the following acts: raw materials acquisition, production, management of production processes and supply chain of products shipped out of the factory. The purpose of this process is given time to produce the lowest possible cost of the product as much as possible. In order to achieve the desired production requirements, planning and implementation of supply chain participants on the need for cooperation.

Supplier Relationship Management

Supplier relationship management process with suppliers about how to establish and maintain friendly relations. Can be understood from the literal meaning, a process similar to the process and customer relationship management. In short, supplier relationship management is to define and manage products and services package.

Product development and product commercialization

Supply chain management is about the process and customers and suppliers to develop products and bring products to market. Responsible for product design and business process and CRM team should be in the team process to identify customers and needs, should be and the SRM process team to select materials and suppliers, and production management team in the process of the market needs to develop new product technology.

Recovery Management

Recycling management process, including recycling and management, reverse logistics, gate control-related activities, including management of supply chain processes to avoid recovery. Due to implementation of the recovery management is not only to effectively manage product flow in the inferior, but also do not expect there to reduce the number of recycling products and to reuse the box and the like, such as the availability 寰幆 Products section of use. Effective recovery management is an important step in the supply chain management, allowing companies to achieve sustained competitiveness.

Eight steps of supply chain management have it every step of the strategic and operational - in other words, means the company has established strategic and strategic management of these steps, operability refers to the implementation of these steps the company . We will be marketing, sales, finance, production, procurement, logistics and research and development team composed of representatives of a cooperative by the team to achieve their strategic significance. The team primarily at the strategic level to design supply chain whether these processes and to monitor the implementation of their completion. The team also need to distinguish between strategic partners is to integrate the company's supply chain in the past. Operability of each process is the managers of each function in the specific actions taken.


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Monday, July 12, 2010

Comments: Analysis of "anti-monopoly law" applies to objects

After years of deliberation, "Antimonopoly Law" will be officially in the August 1 implementation, the implementation of this law has an important significance, economic and even social injustice in China is an important factor - monopoly, finally legally binding. On "anti-monopoly law," Interpretation is an important anti-monopoly, anti-monopoly law not only anti-monopoly act, which in turn is said to be "international experience." We must clearly recognize that monopolies inevitably lead to monopolistic behavior, and now the monopoly is the accumulation of past monopolistic behavior, "anti-monopoly law" could not have anti-monopoly.

Why monopolies inevitably lead to monopoly behavior? Monopoly enterprises are named because of its scarce resources on a monopoly of possession, and the corporate profit is another target, the minimum cost of resources for profit is the highest income approach, in the absence of government control of the situation it is inevitable results. Law have the ability to not only touch the monopoly against monopoly enterprise? China's oil products business is a good example, in the monopoly profits to be under control (oil limit), a monopoly will monopolize the allocation of resources in the absence of government control, the most profitable areas. Faced with this situation the Government either fully control all aspects of the industry chain (the control cost is too high), or laissez-faire monopoly boundary expansion (similar to the influx of domestic gas station acquisitions). The present situation, the city gas market is very likely re-take the old road of the private stations.

"Only anti-monopoly act" is a meaningless question. The so-called monopoly was defined as predatory pricing, refusals to deal, tying, etc., it seems that as long as the monopolies do not touch them no grounds for objection. This view saw the trees, predatory pricing was not a monopoly, the purpose of monopoly access to the market through such behavior, while other enterprises are forced to lose their fear of the market. If predatory pricing is a monopoly we need to limit, then the purpose behind such acts as - excessive market share, how can escape control of the? If we want control over the market share, then how can a monopoly out of the anti-monopoly beyond what?

Throughout the country on the monopoly case is not the most important evidence of how the company will monopolize the market against low-cost rivals, refusals to deal, etc. The most important thing is the company's market share to abnormally high thus affecting to the market's health. Considered here share is a state enterprise rather than corporate behavior, so anti-monopoly is not anti-monopoly international experience to say quite doubtful. Indeed, the international trend with a diluted anti-monopoly law, the United States in the 20th century, after the 70's monopolistic behavior for large companies less and less adverse decision, this trend is due to the formation of international monopoly companies which leads to high in a country share does not affect its operating efficiency, because the international competition will encourage them to increase their production efficiency, and too much of the anti-monopoly will affect the international competitiveness of domestic enterprises. This is of some of China's monopoly does not apply, because the oil, telecommunications and other monopoly industries is not globalization.

We believe that our newly issued "anti-monopoly law" is a fair and non-discriminatory laws, do not favor state-owned monopoly, but because of historical reasons for the complex cognitive and state-owned enterprises, the history of the formation of some of the sector monopolies changes could not be done overnight, but the introduction of the law but not kept waiting and waiting, so in the law for the historical issues of "amnesty" is a realistic approach.

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ease DVD Ripper

Rip DVD movie to MP3, WAV, MPEG-1/VCD, MPEG-2/SVCD, AVI, DivX, or XviD formats.
Ease DVD Ripper is a powerful and easyful DVD ripper which helps you rip DVD to MP3, WAV, VCD, DivX, MPEG, SVCD, AVI easily and quickly with excellent image and sound quality.

Ease DVD Ripper supports ripping DVD by custom file size, as well as spliting output file to fit your CD-R. And you can rip DVD's any segment. It have fast ripping speed, wonderful output quality, full functionality that easy to use and multiple options.

You can uses it Capture DVD image to jpg, jpeg, bmp, ico, bmp, emf,wmf. you will get the movie formats you want with excellent image/sound quality.

1 . Rip DVD to AVI.
2 . Rip DVD to MPEG1, MPEG2, VCD, SVCD.
3 . Rip DVD to DivX, rip DVD to XviD (which has better quality and smaller size).
4 . Rip DVD audio to MP3 WAV files.
5 . Support ripping DVD by custom file size:74 mins,80 mins VCD...
6 . Output file size is adjustable. You can compress movies to any size you need.
7 . Output file time is adjustable. You can compress movies to any time you need.
8 . Sound normalization. Normalizes sound levels of DVD.
9 . Capture DVD image to jpg, jpeg, bmp, ico, bmp, emf,wmf.
10 . Allows you to select target subtitle and audio track.
11 . Easy to use and many more!

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

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